Complete each sentence with one suitable word.

Enter your answers in the gaps. When you have entered all the answers, click on the "Check" button.
   around/round      off      on      out      round      to      up   
a) I'm trying to cut down fatty food.
b) Don't worry! The smell of garlic wears after a while.
c) Let's look the market before we buy any vegetables.
d) I can't understand this recipe. Can you work what it means?
e) I'm afraid I don't feel up eating another cream cake.
f) I visited a farm once, and it put me eating meat for a week.
g) I haven't got to cleaning the fish yet.
h) Why don't we warm last night's leftovers for lunch?
i) Keith usually makes his recipes as he goes along.
j) The waiter seemed a bit put when we didn't leave a tip.