Complete the sentences with

   a few of      a little      few      few of      little      the few      the little   
1 Although the play is set in Italy, the characters are Italian.
2 Jim, Bill, Sue and Gill were just those who came to say goodbye.
3 I saw him first after midnight.
4 Unfortunately, much of the early history of Zimbabwe is still unknown. For example, we know about the early patterns of settlement.
5 Because it was cheap, and we didn't have much money, us used to go to the cinema every Saturday morning.
6 It will take time, but I'm sure you'll learn the rules of cricket eventually.
7 Stephen and his friends were waiting for us in the park.
8 The play was poorly attended, but people who came had a very good evening.
9 Many questions were asked, but were answered.
10 The soldiers seemed to have idea who they were fighting against or why.
11 After the plane crashed in the desert, the survivors divided water they had left between them.