Lesson 15 - Vehicles - Grammar(part2)


when we are talking about time, as in:
next year's holiday prices (rather than the holiday prices of next year)
last night's TV programmes (rather than the TV programmes of last night)
• Notice that we can say: • We had two weeks' holiday in Spain, or We had a two-week holiday.

Exercise 1


Exercise 2

Look at the signs and correct them

Exercise 3


Exercise 3


Exercise 4

Put the nouns into possessive case

1) (Mr and Mrs Jarvis, carrots) are from their garden.
2) You've scorched (Billy, clothes)!
3) (his dog, tail) was badly hurt in the accident.
4) (the boys and the girls, rooms) are downstairs.
5)(my brother and my sister, sense of humour) is fascinating.
6) These are (Mr and Mrs White, hammocks).
7) (last year, carnival) was a roaring success.
8) (yesterday, competition) was put off because of the weather.
9) This is (the country, most recent discovery).