Read the text and answer the questions afterwards

Chose the correct answer.
Differences between People

Family traits and characteristics are noted by adoring parents who think the baby looks like another family member or definitely takes after the mother's side or, without a doubt, has his father's nose.

Eye color, skin color and the texture of our hair are all different and depend on our inherited genes. A baby born with ginger hair may in a few months’ time have fair hair as the birth hair falls out and is replaced. Hair can be fine, thick, straight or curly, and as we grow older it gets thinner. Some hair loss is experienced at quite an early age whilst others have a full head of hair throughout their lives. People with dark hair may find that it turns to grey or white even before they reach their 40's.

European people in general have paler skin than if your ancestors come from Africa or Asia. Skin can change color if exposed to sunlight, but the tan does not last unless it is regularly topped up.