Read the text in the box below and match the words in bold with their definitions underneath. Use your dictionary to check your answers.

Gap-fill exercise

Fill in all the gaps, then press "Check" to check your answers. Use the "Hint" button to get a free letter if an answer is giving you trouble. You can also click on the "[?]" button to get a clue. Note that you will lose points if you ask for hints or clues!
Brian James left University and decided to apply for a job which he saw advertised in the paper. He filled in the application forms and, a few weeks later, was asked to attend an interview . He was offered the job that same day.
As he lived in a small town outside the city, he had to commute every day. He was good at his job and very soon was promoted. However, the company he worked for was having problems. Two people were dismissed for stealing and two of their friends resigned in sympathy, the directors decided to lay off five more because the company couldn't afford to keep them, and the managing director decided to retire early. The atmosphere was so bad that Brian eventually decided to hand in his notice.
   apply for      attend an interview      commute      dismissed      filled in      hand in his notice      laid off      promoted      resign      retire   
1. to give up a job.
2. to ask for a job, usually by writing a letter.
3. to be removed from a job, usually because you have done something bad.
4. same as 1.
5. to stop work and take a pension, usually when you are in late middle age.
6. to write in the empty spaces on a form.
7. to be given a better job in the organization you work for.
8. to be questioned by one or more people when you are applying for a job so that they can decide if you are suitable for that job.
9. to travel to work from home each day, usually from one town to another.
10. to be dismissed from your job for a time until more work is available.