Lesson 78 - Crime - Speaking

What are they in the middle of doing?
How is it to be an investigator?
These is a screenshot from one of the episodes of a famous American TV series « Criminal minds». Detectives of FBI Behavioral unit are investigating crimes using criminology methods. Now you will try yourself in their role.

Exercise 1

Discuss murder riddles and find out an answer. Give as many versions as possible. You can only ask Yes/No questions.

Murder mysteries

1. A woman shoots her husband, then holds him under water for five minutes. A little while later, they both go out and enjoy a wonderful dinner together. How can this be?
2. A man was found dead with a cassette recorder in one hand and a gun in the other. When the police came in, they immediately pressed the play button on the cassette. He said "I have nothing else to live for. I can't go on," then the sound of a gunshot. After listening to the cassette tape, the police knew that it was not a suicide, but a homicide. How did they know?
3.A wealthy man lives alone in a small cottage. Being partially handicapped, he had everything delivered to his cottage. The mailman was delivering a letter one Thursday when he noticed that the front door was ajar. Through the opening he could see the man's body lying in a pool of dried blood. When a police officer arrived he surveyed the scene. On the porch were two bottles of warm milk, Monday's newspaper, a catalog, flyers, and unopened mail. The police officer suspects it was foul play. Who does he suspect and why?
4. A man murders his wife with a knife in their car. Nobody is around to see this. He throws her out of the car being careful not to leave any fingerprints on her body. Next he throws the knife off of a cliff into a gorge where it will never be found and he goes home. An hour later the police call him and tell him that his wife has been murdered and he needs to come to the scene of the crime immediately. As soon as he arrives, he is arrested. How did they know he did it?
5. A girl was attending her mother's funeral where she met a man. She was very intrigued by the man and was interested in getting to know him. As she was making her rounds she realized she had not gotten the man's name or number. Later, when she went to find him, he had already left. A week later, she murdered her older brother to find the man. Why?

Exercise 4

