Lesson 54 - Weather - Vocabulary(part1)





Exercise 1

Exercise 2

Exercise 3

For each season write answers to the questions.

1. Autumn
What season is it?
What’s the temperature?
How does it feel outside?
What should I wear?

2. Winter
What season is it?
What’s the temperature?
How does it feel outside?
What should I wear?

3. Your Choice of Season
What is your favorite season?
Do you like being indoors or outdoors?
What weather do you dislike?
What do you do when it’s raining?

4. Summer
What season is it?
What’s it like out?
Is it sunny?
Is there any shade?

5. Spring
Write questions for these answers
______________________________________________________________________It’s spring.
______________________________________________________________________It’s quite warm.
______________________________________________________________________No, you don’t need a jacket.
______________________________________________________________________Yes, there’s a chance of rain.

Exercise 4

Discuss these questions

1. What’s your favorite season?
2. How’s the weather today?
3. Is it hot outside?
4. Do I need a coat / a hat / sunscreen?
5. Have you checked the forecast?
6. What’s the temperature?
