3 trues one lie about celebrities.
Your task now is to identify one dishonest fact about each celebrity’s life.
Chose the correct answer.
- Halle Berry was named after a department store.
- Halle Berry was born in Mexico.
- Halle Berry was staring in a TV series about space.
- Brad Pit worked as a chicken mascot for a fast food restaurant.
- He was married to Angelina Golly.
- Brad Pitt is terrified of ghosts.
- Taylor Swift’s first job was to kill bugs on the Christmas trees.
- Taylor Swift started playing the guitar at age 12.
- She ran away with the circus one day.
- Elvis Presley was a natural blond.
- He spoke 7 languages.
- He always sang with a guitar on the stage.
- Johnny Depp has a fear of clowns and spiders.
- Johnny Depp worked as a postman.
- He had 20 different homes as a kid.
- Britney Spears loves vanilla candles.
- Britney Spears once was bold.
- Britney Spears doesn’t have any children.