arrest      criminal      escaped      free      gun      handcuffs      jail      kidnap      murder      Police officers      shoot      steal   
1) You are a when you break the law (for example, when you rob a bank).
2) Some criminals carry a with them.
3) Be careful! When a criminal has a gun, he or she may want to people with it.
4) catch criminals.
5) The man is trying to your bag.
6) Police officers will you after they catch you.
7) Are you guilty? Did you break the law? Yes? Then you may have to spend some time in a .
8) I don`t want to go to a jail! I want to be .
9) The police tried to catch the criminal, but he . He ran away.
10) Of course, it is against the law to kill a person, is a serious crime.
11) When a police officer makes an arrest, he may put on the criminal.
12) It is a serious crime to a person and ask for money to set that person free.