Which tense does each time expression belong to?

Enter your answers in the gaps. When you have entered all the answers, click on the "Check" button.
   Future Simple      Past Simple      Present Cont      Present Simple   
1. in an hour -
2. yesterday -
3. the day after tomorrow -
4. now -
5. the day before yesterday -
6. seldom -
7. nowadays -
8. in 2050 -
9. on Sundays -
10. these days -
11. in ten minutes -
12. every day (week, month…) -
13. twice a week (year…) -
14. later -
15. at weekends -
16. rarely -
17. at the moment -
18. in 2007 -
19. currently -
20. last week (month…) -
21. ago -
22. tomorrow -
23. in the past -
24. the day before yesterday -
25. next week (month…) -
26. soon -