Lesson 1 - Family - Vocabulary(part1)




Exercise 1

Read and translate.

Marilyn Monroe was an only child from a single-parent family, but she lived with foster parents until she was seven, and then she was adopted by her mother’s best friend. She got married at sixteen, and she got divorced three times.

Bill Clinton’s father died before he was born. His mother, Virginia, had to find a way to support Bill, so she studied nursing, and Bill was brought up by his grandparents. When Bill was four, his mother married Roger Clinton, who became Bill’s stepfather.

Compare these two famous people. Who had a better childhood and why?

Exercise 2

Complete the questions and then answer them about yourself.

1. Where were you b__________ up?
2. Have you got any brothers or sisters or are you an o________ child?
3. Do you have any h_________-brothers or –sisters?
4. Do you know anyone who is a s__________ parent? If so, how do they feel about it?
5. Do you know anyone who has recently got d__________?



Exercise 3

Complete the questions and then answer them about yourself.

1. What do you know about your a__________?
2. Do you have a r__________ family in your country? If so, do you have a king or a q_________?
3. Are you r___________ to anyone famous?
4. Where do/did the p__________ generations of your family live?
5. Which m____________ of your family do you look l___________?
6. Do you take ____________ your mother or your father? How?

Exercise 4

Choose the correct answer

1. Our ancestors were Italian immigrants/members.
2. She’s one of my ancestors/relatives; she was born in 1880.
3. Jenet looks like/takes after her daughter.
4. My ancestors emigrated/related to Australia a century ago.
5. Are you relations/ immigrants from Italy?
6. I’m originally/previously from Rome: that’s where I was born.
7. He’s married to a member/generation of the royal family.

Exercise 4

Which words are being defined?

1. a member of your family. _______
2. a person who comes from a foreign country to live in your country. _______
3. a woman who married your father but who is not your mother.________
4. someone in your family who lived a long time ago. ________
5. take a child into your family and make them your child legally.________
6. have the same appearance as someone._________
7. be like an older member of your family._________
8. end a marriage legally.__________
9. all the people in a family born at about the same time.________