Look at the map of London Zoo and complete the directions with one word in each gap. You are at the Snowdon Aviary.

Gap-fill exercise

Fill in all the gaps, then press "Check" to check your answers.
   across      along      into      past      through      to   
Gift Shop
Excuse me, how do I get to …
1. the Oasis Café? Go the canal, the owls and lovebirds, turn right, go the tunnel. The Oasis Café is on the right.
2. the woodland walk? Turn right and go the bridge, then turn left and walk the canal.
3. the gift shop? Go straight on the owls and the lovebirds, turn right and go the canal, then go the tunnel under the road. It's on the left.
4. the entrance? Turn right and go the canal, go the Africa section and go the tunnel the information kiosk. Then turn left.
5. the nearest toilets? Go the canal and go right the bridge. Go the library, the tunnel and then go the café. The toilets are inside the café on the left.