Lesson 22 – Parts of body – Video(Part 3)


Exercise 1

Have a look at the active vocabulary that will be used in the video Suggest translation of the words

Vocabulary list
• evolve v.: When animals or plants evolve, they gradually change and develop into different forms.
• chances are (expression): it is likely (that)
• a boom (in sg) n.: A boom is an increase in the amount, frequency, or success of something
• merge v.: To merge means to combine or come together to make one whole thing
• enhance v.: To enhance something means to improve its value, quality, or attractiveness.
• hearing aid (n.): an electronic tool to help people with hearing problems hear better
• built-in adj.: built-in
• prosthetics: artificial body parts, e.g. prosthetic legs
• advance v.: move forward, often in order to attack someone
• gene-editing n.: processes to engineer an organism's DNA
• immune (to a disease) adj.: If you are immune to a particular disease, you cannot be affected by it.
• reverse v.: to change it to the opposite decision
• jumpstart v.: do something that will make it start working quickly or effectively
• absorb v.: soak up or take in
• gravitational pull n.: the force of gravity that pulls you down
• vertebra (pl. vertebrae) n.: Vertebrae are the small circular bones that form the spine of a human being or animal.
• expand v.: If something expands or is expanded, it becomes larger.
• spine n.: Your spine is the row of bones down your back.
• elongate v.: If you elongate something or if it elongates, you stretch it so that it becomes longer.
• to spark a change v.: to initiate
• immortality n.: living or lasting forever and never dying or being destroyed
• consciousness n.: Your consciousness is your mind and your thoughts.
• claim v.: If you say that someone claims that something is true, you mean they say that it is true but you are not sure whether or not they are telling the truth.
• transplant v.: replace a part of a person's body with that of another person
• branch out v.: spread to other areas
• outrun v.: If you outrun someone, you run faster than they do, and therefore are able to escape from them or to arrive somewhere before they do.

Exercise 2

Watch the video and do tasks

Exercise 3

Discuss the questions

1. Of those mentioned in the video, which new evolutionary trait would you be happy to have?
2. Which new trait would you not welcome?
3. Do you think natural evolution will still be possible in the era of gene editing?
4. Does evolution always produce organisms that are "superior" (=better)? If birds on an isolated island become "flightless" (=lose their ability to fly), is that progress or reverse progress?
5. If an animal is fit to survive, but doesn't have offspring, does it contribute to the evolution of its species?
6. Are human beings the pinnacle of evolution? Are we the "most evolved" species on earth?
7. A number of schools in the US teach Young Earth creationism as an alternative theory to evolution. It involves the idea that God put humans on Earth in their current form about 7,000 years ago. What is your opinion of this?
8. Are religion and evolution mutually incompatible? (Either one or the other is right.)
9. Advocates of the concept of "Intelligent Design" claim that if something seems designed then it was designed. What's your views about this?
10. Have you heard about Graham, the imaginary human who has evolved to survive car crashes? Do you think that human evolution could go this way?

Exercise 4

Watch the video and complete the sentences
