Lesson 51 - Weather - Reading(part3)


Exercise 1

What are some biggest global problems?

Here is a guide to the problems, and why they matter to the world.

Food security and why it matters

By 2050, the world must feed 9 billion people. The demand for food will be 60% greater than it is today.

The United Nations has set the goal of ending hunger, achieving food security and improved nutrition, and promoting agriculture as the second of its 17 Development Goals for the year 2030.
Agriculture sectors will have to become more productive and need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, water use and waste.
The risks if we fail? Malnutrition, hunger and even conflict.

Exercise 2

Watch the video


What will the world of work look like?

The scale of the employment problem is vast. The International Labour Organization estimates that more than 61 million jobs have been lost since the start of the global economic crisis in 2008, leaving more than 200 million people unemployed.

Nearly 500 million new jobs will need to be created by 2020 to provide opportunities to unemployed people and to the young people who try to find the job.
We need jobs for the hundreds of millions of unemployed people around the world, and we need the skilled employees that businesses are struggling to find.
Climate change: can we turn words into action?
The Earth’s average land temperature has warmed nearly 1°C in the past 50 years as a result of human activity, global greenhouse gas emissions have grown by nearly 80% since 1970.
We're already seeing and feeling the influences of climate change with weather events such as droughts and storms becoming more often and intense.

What's the future of the internet?

The internet is changing the way we live, work, produce and consume. Within the next decade, it is expected that more than a trillion sensors will be connected to the internet. By 2025, 10% of people are expected to be wearing clothes connected to the internet and the first implantable mobile phone is expected to be sold.
But how will this affect our personal privacy, data security and our personal relationships? Today, 43% of the world’s population are connected to the internet, mostly in developed countries. How will we achieve the United Nations’ goal of connecting all the world’s inhabitants to affordable internet by 2020?

Exercise 3

Watch the video «What Are The World's Biggest Problems?»
