Read the text and fill in the blanks

Enter your answers in the gaps. When you have entered all the answers, click on the "Check" button.
   budget      cash      credit cards      figure out      instead of      overspend      purchase      spend   
How to Save Money
Are you bad with finances? Do you live from pay check to pay check? Would you like to how to save a little money from time to time?
Here are a few tips.
Give yourself a for each week and stick to it. If you get to the end of the week with nothing left, take a bus instead of a cab, make your own dinner instead of eating out, intive your friends over for a BYOB (bring your own beer) party going to a bar, and pass the frivolous shopping spree until you have more money.

Stop using . Pay for everything with cash. It's easier to when you're using a bank or credit card because you don't know exactly how much you have. If you have , you can see your supply running low.

Keep a record of your spending. Write down everything you your money on for a couple weeks or a month. Be as detailed as possible and try not to leave out small purchases. Assign each or expenditure a category such as: Rent, Car insurance, Car payments, Phone Bill, Cable Bill, Utilities, Gas, Food, Entertainment, etc.