Lesson 81pi - Summer Holidays - Listening

Exercise 1

Listen to two people talking about their holiday plans and do the tasks after it.
Match the phrases with the same meaning.

Complete the sentences with one of the following words.

Exercise 2

Listen to the recording and then complete the sentences.

Exercise 3

You are listening to the radio and hear four adverts for holidays.
Choose the best variants.
Sunset View

Wild Ways

Green Park

Mary Glen

Exercise 4

Answer the following questions.
  1. What do you like to do in summer that you can’t do at other times of the year?
  2. How would you feel if there wasn’t summer?
  3. Do you like the summer sun?
  4. Would you like it to be summer forever?
  5. What’s your favourite summer memory?
  6. Do you like going to summer festivals?
  7. Do you think summer feels differently to people of different ages?
  8. What adjectives would you use to describe summer?