Answer these questions:

Enter your answers in the gaps. When you have entered all the answers, click on the "Check" button.
   15      41      Christy      excited, happy, scared, worried, thrilled      no      they comsume eight kilograms of hamburger meat every week;      they consume twenty-one gallons of milk every week when the children are out of school      they range from 23 to 2      they want one   
1 How old is Christy Cason?
2 What are the Casons' children's ages?
3 Is Christy addicted to having children?
4 How many of the Casons' children live at home?
5 Who is in charge of the family's finances?
6 What does 'eight' refer to?
And 'twenty-one'?
7 Why do the Casons have a large family?
8 How does Christy feel about her new pregnancy?