Fill in the gaps

Gap-fill exercise

Fill in all the gaps, then press "Check" to check your answers.
   déjà vu      glanced      glimpsing      notice      observed      premonition      scented      snatched      staring      stinking   
1. I through it quickly and stored it in my backpack.
2. Hair was similarly cleaned by being rubbed with powders.
3. He Michelle carefully for a moment and was startled to find that she seemed to be telling the truth.
4. Sleep leaves me and I groggily sit up, at my watch.
5. I feel , as this already happened before somewhere.
6. The poorest live crowded along open sewers that were once rivers and canals.
7. Sharp-eyed observers may the addition of one tiny syllable to this site overnight.
8. Robyn sat into space, her mind numb.
9. She a biscuit from the plate.
10. He had a of imminent disaster.