Fill the gaps with adjectives from the opposite page. The first letter of each word is given

Gap-fill exercise

Fill in all the gaps, then press "Check" to check your answers.
   arrulous      bstinate      elf-important      ig-headed      isdainful      loof      mpulsive      nscrupulous      onceited      onscientious      pproachable      ushy      xtrovert   
I remember my grandmother so well. Her i generosity meant she was always giving money to beggars and other poor people. She was very a, never a and would always chat to strangers. In fact, she was quite an e and would sing and dance at parties. But when it came to work she was very c and never missed a day in forty years. She was a very determined person, indeed she could be quite o and p and could not be persuaded to do something she didn’t want to. She was proud but never c or s talkative but never g self-confident but never p always wishing success for everyone else before herself. She was always d of u people, since she was a person of great moral principles.