Lexical: Health
For the question 1-8 chose the correct answer.
Some people might feel this when they go on a journey.
- travel sick
- bad back
- chesty cough
This affects a lot of people during the Spring and Summer when flowers are in blossom.
- hay fever
- upset stomach
- high temperature
If you have this you are warm to the touch.
- high temperature
- hay fever
- broken leg
You'll need a pack of tissues if you're suffering with this.
- runny nose
- sore throat
- broken bone
This is often caused by lifting heavy objects.
- bad back
- upset stomach
- hay fever
This makes it difficult to swallow.
- sore throat
- bad back
- cough
You might suffer from this if you eat something bad.
- upset stomach
- cough
- high temperature
You won't be able to walk for some time
- broken leg
- cut
- black eye