Choose the correct variant

Enter your answers in the gaps. When you have entered all the answers, click on the "Check" button.
   -      a      an      the   
1 - His birthday is on fourth of May
2 - I bought umbrella last week
3 - roses are my favourite flowers
4 - I don't believe in death penalty for any crime
5 - Do you know how to use computer?
6 - Would you like orange?
7 - Did you see the film on TV last night?
8 - I've got to get to post office before it closes
9 - It is largest producer of computer keyboards in the world
10 - I always listen to radio on my way into work
11 - Andes are in South America
12 - An apple a day keeps doctor away
13 - There is a major problem with crime nowadays
14 - Paris is capital of France
15 - Could you close door, please?
16 - They go to church every week
17 - They crashed because they had burst tyre
18 - Would you mind turning off lights when you leave?
19 - The party was so loud that she asked them to turn music down
20 - They live in lovely flat