Choose the right answer.

Enter your answers in the gaps. When you have entered all the answers, click on the "Check" button.
   didn't go      does her train arrive      He's having      It starts      I've never driven      I've seen      Shall I phone      She is going to leave      she isn't coming      was Achta wearing   
1. ' Where's Solo?' ' a shower at the moment.'

2. My favourite film is Alkanto. it four times.

3. I out last night. I was too tired.

4. What when you saw her?

5. ' Can you drive?' 'No, a car but I want to learn.'

6. Do you know about Déné? her job. She told me last week.

7. There's a programme on television that I want to watch. at 5 pm on Sundays.

8. Massel is ill, so to the party tomorrow night

9. I want to meet her at the station. What time ?

10. ' you tomorrow?' 'Yes, OK.'