Write the correct words in the blanks.

Enter your answers in the gaps. When you have entered all the answers, click on the "Check" button.
   areas      At first      dangerous      final      flat      get hurt      prize      professional      similar to      skate      slides      team   
1. Hockey players do not walk on the ice. They wear special shoes to on the ice.
2. The puck moves smoothly on the ice. It .
3. People do not play hockey alone. They play hockey on a with other people.
4. There are many hockey games in the year. The last game is called the game.
5. Hockey players sometimes fall and get hit. Hockey is .
6. The best hockey team gets the Stanley Cup. This is the greatest in hockey.
7. In the beginning, hockey didn't have rules. Today, hockey has rules. hockey was different from hockey today.
8. A hockey puck is . It is smooth. It is not like a ball.
9. Ice hockey in 1911 was about the same as hockey today. They are each other.
10. Players in the NHL get money to play. It is their job to play hockey. They are players.
11. The hockey puck goes to many different places on the ice. It goes to different .
12. Hockey players sometimes fall and break bones. They .