Complete the sentences with absolute possessive pronouns.

Enter your answers in the gaps. When you have entered all the answers, click on the "Check" button.
   hers      his      mine      ours      theirs      yours   
Jason: Whose sunglasses are these?
Kate: They're Amy's, I think. Yes, they're (1) .
Paul: Whose baseball cap is this?
Amy: That's (2) too! Thanks.
Kate: Ugh! Whose dirty towel is this?
Jason: Ask Paul. I think it's (3) .
Paul: Yes, it is. Thanks. You've got a great T-shirt, Amy!
Kate: Thanks. I borrowed it from my big sister. So it's (4) really.
Jason: What about this umbrella?
Paul: Don't be silly, Jason! You brought it, so it must be (5) .
Kate: Does this beach ball belong to us?
Jason: No, it isn't (6) . Those kids over there were looking for a ball, so it's
(7) probably.