Do the test and press the icon "Test Result", When your result is Pre-Intermediate or higher, do PART - 2.

PART - 1.

1.  I _________ a teacher.

is   am    are   be

2.  _________ two sons.

she have  she  is   she get   she has got

3.  He __________ like basketball.

no   doesn't   not   don't  

4.  I'm reading. What _________ doing?

you   are you    are   you are 

5.  _________ he go for a walk every evening?

do   does   is   has   

6.  ________ some apples in the plastic bag.

it is   there is   there are  there isn't

7.  There isn't  __________ fruit in the shop.

some   no   any   the

8.  __________ you play chess?

are   can   know   have

9.  What are you doing now?" "I _________ a letter."

is writing  be writing   write   am writing

10.  Do you like ________ there?

to working   working   worked   work

11. I ________ to Ann's party last week.

go   gone   went   was 

12. Why ________ yesterday?

were you late  you were late   you lated   you was late

13. Mike ________ to visit his parents on Sunday.

can   will   is going   must

14. Kate is good at maths but Jack is _________.

good    badly   better  well  

15. Nick __________ this film.

seen already   already seen   has already seen   have already seen

16. I've been working for "Mr. Z and Co"_________ last summer.

from   for   until   since

17. I _________ on this project for two months.

am working   worked   have been working   was working

18. I ________ go to the "Astoria" restaurant but I don't any more.

used to   did use   am used   use

19. Mike doesn't like school and ________.

neither I do   so do I    neither do I   so I do

20. I went to the doctor's yesterday and I ________ for half an hour.

must wait   had to wait   had wait   should wait

21. I ________ a newspaper last night when my friend rang.

have been reading  read  have read   was reading

22. There was a robbery at the bank and all the money __________.

was stealing   stolen   was stolen   was being stolen

23. I ________ to the USA on business.

am being sent   am sent   am send   be send 

24. Unless _________ hard, he'll fail the exam.

he'll work   he works   he worked   he'd work

25. If I were you, ________ skipping classes.

I stopped   I'll stop   I stop  I'd stop

When you are ready press "Test Result", to check your test.

  Number of right answers: 

Your right answers:
Question 1   
Question 2   
Question 3   
Question 4   
Question 5   
      Question 6   
Question 7   
Question 8   
Question 9   
Question 10 
      Question 11  
Question 12  
Question 13  
Question 14  
Question 15  
      Question 16  
Question 17  
Question 18  
Question 19  
Question 20  
      Question 21  
Question 22  
Question 23  
Question 24  
Question 25  

If you have 5 mistakes or less do: PART-2.