Lesson 24 – What your body does – Speaking (Part 3)


Exercise 1

Look at the picture.

Describe what the people do
Why do they do that?
What do they feel?
Is it pleasant or unpleasant?

Exercise 2

Exercise 3

Look at the picture. What can you do with the parts of your body?

Exercise 4

Study the idioms concerned with body. Make a short story in which you can use the idom.

Exercise 5

Answer the questions

1. Who usually burps?
2. What do we do with food when we eat?
3. What does our stomach do when we are hungry?
4. What do we do every minute and don’t even notice?
5. If it is too smoky in the room, what do we do?
6. If you are very sleepy, what do you do?
7. What sounds do people make in sleep?
8. What does our body do if it is too hot in the room?
9. If something gets into our eye, what do we do?
10. If we think with great attention or have some problems, what do we do?
11. If we are very very happy, what do we do?
12. If we are embarrassed, what do we do?
13. If we are cold, what do we do?
14. When we are relieved, what do we do?