Lesson 28 - Appearance - Speaking (Part 3)


Exercise 1

Watch the presentation


Exercise 2

What is the fist thing you notice about a person?
Can clothes defne a person?
Is there a part of your appearance that you are proud of?
Have you ever gone through the entire day without noticing something was wrong with your appearance? For instance, food in your teeth, missing button.
What kinds of things do you do to maintain your appearance?
Do you often follow trends? Which were the best/worst?\

Watch the video

What are the pros and cons of being beautiful?
What personality trait is the most important for inner beauty Is beauty related to power?
Do people spend too much time and money on beauty?
Do you think self-esteem affects beauty and vice versa?
Does beauty affect one's success in life?
Is it better to be physically attractive or intelligent?
Is it better to be physically attractive or wealthy?

Exercise 3

