Lesson 5pi - Listening

Lesson 5pi -  Listening - Daily Routine

What is your daily schedule?
What time do you wake up and go to work or school?
What do you do when you get home?
What time do you go to bed?

Exercise 1

Look at the words and translate them.

Exercise 2

Listen to the story and answer the questions.

Exercise 3

Choose the correct answer.

Exercise 4

Fill in the gaps.

Exercise 5

Look at the words and translate them.
Talk about your daily schedule starting from when you wake up until you go to sleep.
What activities do you enjoy?
What is the busiest time of day?

Exercise 6

Listen to the story and answer the questions.

Exercise 7

Answer the questions.
Do you wake up right after your alarm clock goes off?
Are you a morning person?
Do you check your social media in the morning?
How long does it take you to get ready?
Do you usually eat breakfast at home?
What is your favorite part of the day and why?
Do you better like studying/working in the first part of the day or in the second part of the day?
Do you have to catch a bus to get to work/school?
