Lesson 14pi - Video - Around Home

Exercise 1

Look at the words and translate them.

Exercise 2.

Discuss the questions with the student.

1. How much space do they have in your room?
2. Do you have much furniture in your room?
3. What is your favorite item of furniture in the room?
4. What else would you like to have in your room?

Exercise 3

Watch the video and do the task after watching it.

1) This 8-square-meter apartment is ... in downtown Tokyo.
a. smaller than most apartments
b. one of a multitude of extremely tiny apartments
c. the smallest apartment
d. may look small to westerners but it's quite normal

2) What did she find appealing about this apartment?
Answer the question using your own words

3) The reason it doesn't feel so confined to the guy is because ...
a. there are more rooms upstairs
b. it has more space upwards
c. although it's narrow downstairs, it's wider upstairs
d. you can stretch out horizontally

4) You should take off your shoes at the doorway in a Japanese house ...
a. because otherwise the landlord will not let you rent the apartment.
b. unless, of course, you come from a culture where people are not expected to take off their shoes indoors.
c. as a way of respecting their culture
d. if your shoes are dirty

5) Her closet is tiny, too, ...
a. so she can only have few clothes, which keeps life simple.
b. but she doesn't mind, because at least this way she spends less money on clothes.
c. so she has to buy really small clothes.
d. which is why she always wears the same clothes.

6) Her rent includes ... (MARK ALL RIGHT ANSWERS)
a. the utilities
b. cable TV
c. insurance
d. repair costs
e. wifi
f. parking in the garage
