Lesson 65pi - Animals - Listening

Exercise 1

Listen to the recording and then guess the names of the animals.

Exercise 2

Listen to the recording and then complete the sentences.

Exercise 3

This video has 5 activities, do the them while watching it.
Skip activity 3.
Task 2.
Watch the video from 1:40 to 2:50 minutes and then complete the sentences.

Exercise 4

Watch the video and answer the questions after watching.
  1. What is the message of this video?
  2. Can pets make people happier?
  3. Do you believe that dogs are more loyal than people?
  4. What can children learn by heaving a pet?

Exercise 5

Answer the following questions.
  1. What is your favorite animal?
  2. Have you got a pet?
  3. What are the advantages of having a pet?
  4. Should people spend a lot of money on pets instead of helping people in need?
  5. Do you like visiting zoos?
  6. Do you like visiting zoos?
  7. Is keeping animals in zoos cruel?
  8. What do you think about using animals in circuses?
