Lesson 66pi - The Natural World - Video

Exercise 1

Look at the words and translate them.

Exercise 2

Watch the video and do the task after watching it.

Exercise 3

Watch the video and answer the following questions.
  1. How would you define an expression “seven worlds”?
  2. Can you name these ”seven worlds”?
  3. Does every “world” unique? Why?

Exercise 4

Watch the video and answer the following questions.
  1. What is the message of these videos?
  2. What can people do in order to protect nature?
  3. Do you believe that people poison oceans and coral reefs? Why?

Exercise 5

Comment on the following quotes.

Exercise 6

Look at the words and translate them.

Exercise 7

Watch the video and and define whether statements are true or false.
  1. Our planet is not struggling.
  2. Thousands of animals and plants disappear every day.
  3. Water sources are decreasing.
  4. Conservation agreement is a deal between a community and a group or person funding a conservation project.
  5. Individuals and communities receive benefits in return for conservation actions.