Lesson 73pi - Shops and Shopping - Listening

Exercise 1

Do the preparation exercise first then listen to the recording and do the other exercises to check your understanding.

Preparation Task
Match the words and pictures.
Do the exersises while you listen.
Put the questions next to the person who asked them.

Answer the questions.

Exercise 2

Listen to the recording and do the tasks after it.
Complete the sentences with the words in the correct form.

Match the phrases and their meanings.

Exercise 3

Anna is staying with her friend, Robert. Today, Robert has to work. Listen to their conversation.
Complete the sentences with one of the words in the word box. You will not need them all.

Exercise 4

Listen to the recording and then complete the sentences.

Exercise 5

Answer the questions
  1. How often do you go shopping?
  2. Is shopping routine or pleasure for you?
  3. What do you like about shopping?
  4. What don’t you like about shopping?
  5. Do you prefer large storechains or small shops?
  6. Do you ever go to markets?
  7. Have you ever ordered anything by mail?
  8. Do you do any shopping online?
  9. What’s more important to you: price, quality, brand or something else?
  10. Do you usually plan your purchases?
  11. Do you like to ‘shop around’ comparing prices?