Lesson 79pi - Crime - Reading

Exercise 1

Look at these pictures. What can you see in each one?

Exercise 2

Complete the headlines with the words in the box.
What do you think happened in each story?

Exercise 3

Read the newspaper stories below and match the headlines from the previous exercise to the correct story.

Exercise 4

According to the newspaper stories define whether statements are true or false.

Exercise 5

Choose the words from the newspaper stories and match them with these definitions.

Exercise 6

Look at the words and choose whether they are verbs or nouns.

Exercise 7

Choose the correct variant.
  1. Is crime a serious problem where you live? What kinds of crimes happen often?
  2. Do the police do a good job in your country?
  3. How do you feel when you see a police officer?
  4. How do stores try to stop shoplifting?
  5. At what age are we fully responsible for our actions?
  6. Have you ever seen a crime being committed? What did you see?
  7. Is carrying a gun a good way to stay safe? Why or why not?